33. Do you own any other property outside of your dwelling? Yes, we have agricultural land. Family Education & Well-Being 34. Are your family members literate, and if so, which ones? Hajdar, Hanke, Armond, and Ardian are literate. 35. How many hours/day and what months do the children attend school? Describe the school environment. Children attend school everyday from 9:00-1:00. They are free June, July, and August. 36. What type of health care do you receive? We receive free health care. 37. What form of birth control do you use? None. We try to be careful. 38. Does your family feel safe? No. 39. Do you lock your door at night? Yes. 40. Have you ever been robbed? No. 41. Do you do anything to protect yourselves? We would protect ourselves with firearms if we had them. Family Leisure 42. Describe what you do during your leisure time. Hajdar and Hanke have no free time. Children just play in nature. 43. What does your family do for fun? Hours/week? Visit friends: 5 hours/week TV: 2-3 hours/week